Thursday, May 13, 2010

AT Does It Again

I know I've mentioned Apartment Therapy before, but I have to mention them again. It showcases the greatest ideas and cutes tips. Look at this idea for place cards! You can find the whole post here.
Genius!! Cut a cork in half, make a small slit along the top, insert name card. Done! Cheap, easy, quick!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Check out my etsy store!

I have a few more items to add, and plan to add items as I complete them. I spent way too much time working on my etsy shop today. I need to take a break, stop by! Buy something!

I Love You, Ronnie

I finished reading this book last week. It was a quick read for in between my book club reads.

I enjoyed this book very much. It contained numerous letters written fby Ronald Reagan to his wife Nancy Reagan with Nancy narrating through out. She explained what was happening while each letter was being written.

Ronald Reagan wrote the sweetest letters to his wife through out their times apart due to conflicting schedules and travelling but the letters also continued even while they were together.

The book ended with Ronald Reagan's public address about his Alzheimer's diagnosis.

It was an extremely honest and heartbreaking ending, but it was a great book.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

New Idea

(my first photo attempt...what do you think?!)

So I've been thinking a lot about how to sell things I make. Every one's first response is either craft fairs or

Each has its advantages and disadvantages for me.

Start with craft fairs. Advantages: fun, outdoors, draws a crowd, fun to chat with customers and vendors

Disadvantages: need big inventory, competition with other vendors, not always target market, entry fees, need canopy Advantages: cheap fees (20 cents +3.5% per sale), easy, mostly target market, able to choose to shop local, don't need huge inventory, can sell continuously as items are finished

Disadvantages: need the internet, huge amount of sellers to compete against, great pictures are a must, shipping, packaging

SO...I plan on entering the Spring Lake Heritage Festival Craft Fair this June. It's got a realistic entry fee, and I'm hoping I can have some inventory made by the middle of June...however, the Great Hawaiian Escape may interfere with that plan. After the craft fair, I'm going to give a try and post all the items that didn't sell at the fair.

Wish me luck!!