Friday, April 9, 2010


Seriously, could not be happier that it is Friday!! We had a light dusting of snow this morning, I'm so over snow. But I'm hearing 60's for Saturday and Sunday. I'm ready!!

No big plans tonight, Ross and I are suppose to get together with another couple who we haven't seen since last September! No reason for not keeping in touch, just life I suppose, they actually only live a couple of blocks away from my apartment. So it will be nice to see them!
Speaking of apartment, one of the girls who lives in my building got all 4 of her tires slashed yesterday, and the guy she is seeing had his slashed too. She was parked in the back lot and he was parked on the street in front of the building. They were definitely targeted, we just don't know by who. I am banking on it being her ex-boyfriend, but she thinks it is the group of people who live above her in our building. She called the cops and accused the group above her, so we'll see where it goes. I hope my tires are safe!!

This is where I will be tomorrow night!!! I am pretty excited! We have floor seats and they were reasonably priced. The concert is in Kalamazoo, so we plan on eating on the way down there and making an evening out of it. I forced Ross to come with us and paid for his ticket, but I know he'll have fun. Concerts are always fun! We are going with Jessica and Mark, and they are both in love with Miranda as much as I am. I hope Ross gets on board!!
The big black rectangle on the 300 red square is us!!! Should be great seats and a great time!!
Enjoy the weekend!

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