Friday, February 15, 2008

Staying On Track

I'm trying to post more regularly, for no particular reason except to prove that I can. I have my photography make-up class tomorrow morning. Should be a good one since we will actually get to take pictures in the day light!!

Our assignment was to take 3 pictures that we want to share with the class focusing on Aperture, Shutter Speed, Metering, White Balance, ISO and Exposure Compensation. I mostly chose my Apterture and the camera chose the Shutter Speed, I chose the White Balance, ISO and Exposure Compensation. It was hard to find things to photograph since I had Thursay evening and this evening available to take pictures and Thursday was Valentine's Day so I didn't get many pictures taken. Here's what I've got.

The top left is Abby Rose Sullivan, Ross's dog. She is the most beautiful, friendly, loving dog ever! I took her portrait! It's a little blury but she had a hard time holding still! The flower is also at Ross's house. His mom got this as a kit for a Dirty Santa game. I think she made out pretty well in the whole deal. It is such a vibrant red/orange against that beige wall. I think the colors pop quite nicely. I'm not sure if I'm going to use the final picture or not. Ross decorated his chocolate chip pie very nicely and wanted me to photograph it. While the swirl is beautiful, I like how the Cool Whip looks on his fork. If I would have thought about it I would have taken more time on this picture, I don't really like the orangy tint but it was dark and a fire was going, so it kind of captures the mood.

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