As I mentioned in my previous post, I am making this a year of beginning of new things, well this is my first cabling project!! I love the cabling, it adds so much to the pattern and it is so easy to work! I'm excited with how it looks. I don't think the pattern calls for a lining but I plan on finding a simple fabric with a simple green pattern on it, I think every good purse has at least one pocket in it. I bought little black wooden handles for the purse. I need to make two panels of the picture above and I'm not quite done with the first panel, so hopefully I'll get motivation to get the final project posted quickly.
I am still trying to learn my camera, so I experimented with when to use the flash, the picture above is with the flash. This one to the left is with out the flash, the picture with the flash shows the color better, but I don't like you can see where the flash hits the yarn, in the middle of the bag on the left side, you can see it is the brightest there. Oh well, I guess I still have more to learn in this photography class!! I still need to take pictures this weekend for Wednesday's class. Hopefully I will be able to post those soon!
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